18 февраля 2014 г.

The weekend of February 15-16, financial professionals in and around Moscow took part in a CFA Association Russia training event called Detection of Misleading Reporting Practices to Define Actual Financial Standings for Businesses.


This course was dedicated to analyzing most common mistakes and misleading practices committed by accountants and analysts in corporate financial statements and reports. Emphasis was made on those of them, which have most influence on business valuation. We were happy to see 10 new participants for this training session.

The two day course consisted of many practical materials involving interesting tasks and group brainstorming. Practical training session consisted of BS, IS, and CF analysis.  The final task on detection of misleading reporting practices and complex analysis of business reporting was done using personal laptops;  participants of this course received the necessary knowledge to help them with analysis of corporate financial statements and reports. 


In order to obtain information on future trainings in 2014 as they are scheduled, please go to the Events section of the CFA Association Web site located at . Please note that the same training on Detection of Misleading Reporting Practices to Define Actual Financial Standings for Businesses will be held again on 15-16 of March.  The amount of seats is limited so don’t delay registration.


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