Formation and history of CFA Association (Russia)

Meetings of potential members held in November 2002 and March 2003 (in Moscow) indicated substantial support for the formation of a Russia-based local Society of CFA Institute. In the meeting of potential members held in March 2003, an “initiative group” of interested CFA charterholders, CFA Institute members, and candidates was mandated by the attendees to facilitate the fulfilment of formal requirements for the formation of a local Russian Society.

In March 2004 a formal meeting of potential members of Russia-based local Society was held to formally approve the draft Bylaws (including the Mission Statement and Statement of Purpose of the Society, dues, and to elect the members of the Board of Directors). This meeting was attended by 58 people (42 existing and 16 potential members of CFA Institute). 24 potential members who attended this meeting paid $100 each towards set-up costs of the Society, and are recognised as “founding members”. The founding members of CFA Association (Russia) are:
Dmitry Artemiev; Vladimir Detinich; Oleg Dobritsky; Oleg Dobronravov; Sergei Drojjin; Tomas Dukala, Anton Efremov; James Fenkner; Evgeny Golossnoy; Alexander Golovtsov; Richard Hainsworth; Omega Hatfield; Tembora Kardanov; Alzbeta Klein; Olga Kouznetsova; Olga Logvina; Pavel Olishevski; Konstantin Pesotsky; Dimitri Poliakov; Pavel Prosyankin; Vyacheslav Reshetko; Eugene Satskov; Lauri Sillantaka; and Dmitry Soloviev.

By September 2004, the documentation required to make formal application to CFA Institute for local Society status (including written commitment to join the Society by at least 50 members of CFA Institute, a minimum of 75% of  which were CFA charterholders), was obtained. On 22 October 2004, CFA Institute welcomed CFA Association (Russia) as its 130th society.

The Society’s Board of Directors at the date of Society formation was as follows:
Tomas Dukala
Anton Efremov (Treasurer)
Richard Hainsworth (President)
Omega Hatfield (Secretary)
Alzbeta Klein
Olga Kouznetsova (Vice President)
Olga Logvina
Nikolai Lukashevich
Andre Zemnitsky



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CFA Association Russia. Ассоциация CFA (Россия) не занимается вопросами приема документов и сдачи экзаменов - это исключительная сфера Института CFA. По всем вопросам, связанным со сдачей экзаменов CFA (Levels I, II, III) просьба обращаться по адресу

Ceorooms A2 Comcity
Kiyevskoye Shosse, 6/1,
Moscow 108811 Russia

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