24 мая 2014 г.

On Saturday, May 24, 2014 CFA Association Russia and Kaplan Schweser hosted the Live Mock CFA Exam in the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University.

CFA Mock Exam is one of our traditional May events, and the spring mock exam usually attracts more the mock exam help in the fall. This May we had more than 120 CFA candidates participating in the mock exam. There was the same number of Level 1 and Level 2 participant but less Level 3 participants.

Our staff members performed the roles of exam proctors and checked that the mock exam follows the official exam protocols. This meant that every participant had an allocated seat at examination hall, the timing and schedule was followed very thoroughly and candidates didn't have any opportunity to check exam questions before the start of the exam session.

One of the main differences to the actual exam is that Kaplan Schweser provides Answer Keys for self-grading for candidates as well as access to Kaplan online services which give participants of the mock exam the following benefits:

1. Individual exam score and complete answer explanations

2. Individual score relative to other candidates 

3. Learning Outcome Statement page references for the CFA Institute texts and SchweserNotes™

The mock exam sessions were organized with support from Moscow State University, which provides CFA candidates with comfortable and easily-accessible facilities for mock exam.

We would like to say good luck to all the CFA candidates and welcome to everyone joining our aspiring community of finance and investment specialists.


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