18 июня 2014 г.

CFA Association Russia was the official partner of the Moscow Life Sciences Investment Day – 2014. The largest conference in Russia, which is entirely dedicated to investment opportunities in the health sector, took place in Moscow. Topics included investment practices in biotechnology, Biopharmaceuticals, medical equipment and devices, medical services, diagnostics, and digital health. Many companies that want to attract investment in their projects were in attendance.

The conference brought together over 200 people, including the owners of capital, industry analysts, life sciences companies, government officials, and more. The list of participants also included institutional investors, investment companies, banks, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and large private investors.

The main point that was required by the program was a presentation of companies and investment projects for investors, live and direct communication between all participants, discussions of experience, and the most current information. After all, the main purpose of Moscow Life Sciences Day was to create a platform in Russia for monitoring investment projects in the industry and a network for communication between the capital owners and representatives of companies in the sector.


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